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Parts of the Roof- from Glen Cove Roofing

Parts Of Your Roof

Shingles- The shingles are the top layer of your roofing. The shingles are made of many different materials and come in many different colors, but the most important thing is that they are in working shape and help to keep the water out. If any shingles are damaged, loose, lifting or missing, we will evaluate and replace repair them.

Ridge Beam or Ridge- The top of the roof, known as the ridge beam, is usually receives the most impact from rain, snow and branches hitting it. Depending on the type of roof it can also be known as the mansard, gable or gambrel.

We can inspect the area along with the ridge vent which runs the length of your home. This is an important part of your roofing structure and needs to be in good operating order.

We can also inspect the step flashing and well as ice dam flashing. Made of metal, these areas need to be inspected as well as sealed. The sealing of the flashing is done to prevent water flowing back and under the shingles would could leak into your home.  If you have skylights in your home, these too have to be inspected on a regular basis as well as treated and sealed.


Fascia- The fascia is the molding that runs just under your roof and is often used to support your gutters. Most often the fascia is decorative, especially in older and Victorian homes. It is important that the overhang of your roof covers this area compactly, should it not, water can not only seep into your siding, but it can also damage this woodwork. We can also inspect your gutters to be sure they are working properly and clean. A good looking, solid and complete fascia can increase the value of your home and also protect it. We work with local carpenters and contractors who are able to bring back the historical value of your home.


Roof Eaves- The eaves of your roof are often covered by the fascia and the soffit and are the portion of the roof that extends your roof away from the side of your home. It is important that this portion is strong and storm resistant strong. This is an area where your shingles will sustain the most weathering. They may peel or lift from wind, water coming from your gutters or snow or ice. Should this happen this could cause your eves to get wet and damaged as well, leading to possible wood rot and failure.


Roof Valleys- When a few roof lines come into a V, this is called the roof valley. This area can often collect leaves, dirt and debris.  If left too long the debris can rot, causing damage to your shingles and ultimately roof. One way we combat the collection of leaves and materials is to install metal flashing in the valley. This flashing will help the leaves and debris slide down the valley and off the roof. As part of routine maintenance this area should be inspected and sealed to prevent water seeping under the metal.


Underlayment or tar paper- Under the shingles is a rolled paper that is an important barrier between the elements and your rooftop. Often referred to as tar paper it is actually made of felt, rubber of synthetic. Should your shingles be damaged this is the next and only barrier protecting your sheathing (plywood).  If we need to repair any portion of your roof, we will also evaluate your any damage to this layer. If it needs to be sealed, we will do so.


Flashing- Around your skylights, chimney and vent pipes (as well as the valleys) is the thin metal that seals these areas from rain and water. Parodically these areas need to be sealed and inspected. These areas are often a cause of water damage due to wind, storm, snow and ice getting under the flashing.


Roof Dormers-

Many of the homes in our area have dormers. These areas create an enlarged living area on the top floor of the home creating a window and opening. It is an addition to the home and can be found in any style home including capes, Victorian and center hall colonials. An area of concern for the roof is the area around the dormer. This area should be sealed and tight to prevent any water from coming into the home.

Glen Cove Roofing

Glen Cove Roofing

Your hometown roofing contractor

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